
Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Food insecurity

FN 2.1.2 Prevalence of food insecurity
food_insecurity <- 
    time   = c("2014", "2018"),
    value  = c(0.118, 0.082)

food_insecurity |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = value)) +
  geom_col(fill = statgl:::statgl_cols(1)) +
  theme_statgl() +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(decimal.mark = ",")) +
    x = " ",
    y = sdg2$figs$fig1$y_lab[language],
    caption = sdg2$figs$fig2$cap[language]

Population survey in Greenland

vec        <- 1:2
names(vec) <- c(" ", sdg2$figs$fig1$y_lab[language])

food_insecurity |>  
  mutate(value = value * 100) |>  
  rename(vec) |> 
  statgl_table(year_col = " ")
Food insecurity (%)
2014 11,8
2018 8,2

Food security means that you have access to nutritious foods. The National Institute of Public Health measures the food insecurity in their regular surveys of public health in Greenland. Food insecurity is defined as affirmative answers to three questions about lack food and lack of money to buy food.

Last update: 12. april 2024


GS Indicators regarding diet
# Import
SIF_raw <-
    frugt_daglig    = c(37.2, 44.9, 38.8),
    grøntsag_daglig = c(23.9, 30.4, 29.6),
    fisk_ugen       = c(56.0, 50.2, 42.8),
    saft_sodavand   = c(24.4, 32.1, 43.9),
    kød_havpattedyr = c(35.9, 35.7, 33.3),
    tid             = c("2005-2010", "2014", "2018")
  ) |> 

vec        <- 1:5
names(vec) <-

# Transform
SIF <-
  SIF_raw |> 
  rename(vec) |>  
  gather(indikatorer, værdi, -tid) |> 
  mutate(indikatorer = indikatorer |>  fct_reorder(værdi) |>  fct_rev())

# Plot

SIF |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = tid, y = værdi, fill = indikatorer)) +
  geom_col() +
  facet_wrap(~ indikatorer, nrow = 2) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels  = scales::percent_format(scale = 1, big.mark = ".",
    decimal.mark = ",")) +
  theme_statgl(base_size = 10) + 
  scale_fill_statgl(reverse = TRUE) +
  theme(legend.position = "None") +
    title   = sdg2$figs$fig2$title[language],
    x       = " ",
    y       = " ",
    caption = sdg2$figs$fig2$cap[language]

Population survey in Greenland

vec <- 1
names(vec) <- sdg2$figs$fig2$cols$col1_tab[language]

# Table
  SIF |> 
  mutate(værdi = format(værdi, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ",")) |> 
  spread(tid, værdi) |> 
  rename(vec) |> 
  #set_names(str_to_title(names(.))) |> 
  statgl_table() |> 
  add_footnote(sdg2$figs$fig2$foot[language], notation = "symbol")
Indicators 2005-2010 2014 2018
Weekly fish consumption 56,0 50,2 42,8
Daily fruit consumption 37,2 44,9 38,8
Consumption of marine mammals 1-3 times a week 35,9 35,7 33,3
Daily juice or soda consumption 24,4 32,1 43,9
Daily vegetable consumption 23,9 30,4 29,6
* Percentage share
# Import
SIF_raw <-
    BMI_overlig_30 = c(22.9, 27.3, 27.8),
    tid            = c("2005-2010", "2014", "2018")
    ) |> 

vec <- 1
names(vec) <- sdg2$figs$fig3$cols$col1[language]

# Transform
SIF <-
  SIF_raw |> 
  rename(vec) |>  
  gather(indikatorer, værdi,-tid)

# Plot
SIF |> 
  mutate(tid = as.character(tid)) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = tid, y = værdi, fill = indikatorer)) +
  geom_col() +
  scale_y_continuous(labels  = scales::percent_format(scale = 1, big.mark = ".",
    decimal.mark = ",")) +
  theme_statgl() + scale_fill_statgl(reverse = TRUE) +
  theme(legend.position = "None") +
    title = sdg2$figs$fig3$cols$col1[language],
    x = " ",
    y = " ",
    caption = sdg2$figs$fig3$cap[language]

Population survey in Greenland

vec        <- 1
names(vec) <- sdg2$figs$fig3$cols$col1[language]

# Import
SIF |> 
  spread(1, 3) |>  
  rename(vec) |> 
Proportion of Body Mass Index greater or equal to 30 2005-2010 2014 2018
Proportion of Body Mass Index greater or equal to 30 22,9 27,3 27,8

Going to bed hungry

GS Going to bed hungry
key1 <- sdg2$figs$fig4$keys$key1[language] |>  unlist()
key2 <- sdg2$figs$fig4$keys$key2[language] |>  unlist()
key3 <- sdg2$figs$fig4$keys$key3[language] |>  unlist()

  # Import
a <- c(17,13,12,12,24,19,17,17,59,68,71,71)
b <- c(rep(key1, 4), rep(key2, 4), rep(key3, 4))
c <- rep(c(2006,2010,2014,2018), 3)

# Transform
hbsc <- 
  data.frame(c, b, a) |> 
  as_tibble() |> 
    "time"  = 1,
    "key"   = 2,
    "value" = 3
  ) |> 
  mutate(key = key |>  factor(levels = unique(key)))

# Plot
hbsc |> 
    x = time,
    y = value,
    color = key
  )) +
  geom_line(size = 2) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels  = scales::percent_format(
    scale        = 1,
    big.mark     = ".",
    decimal.mark = ","
  )) +
  theme_statgl() + 
  scale_color_statgl() +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 100)) +
    title   = sdg2$figs$fig4$title[language],
    y       = " ",
    x       = " ",
    color   = " ",
    caption = sdg2$figs$fig4$cap[language]

HBSC survey

# Table
hbsc |> 
  mutate(time = time |>  factor(levels = unique(time))) |> 
  spread(time, value) |> 
  rename(" " = 1) |> 
  statgl_table() |> 
  add_footnote(sdg2$figs$fig4$foot[language], notation = "symbol")
2006 2010 2014 2018
Always + often 17 13 12 12
Sometimes 24 19 17 17
Never 59 68 71 71
* Proportion of children who go to bed or school hungry, 2006-2018 (N=1.799 in 2018)